Christmas Reflections'
It bothers me why we celebrate a birth that ended devastatingly.
l understand that through Him our lives are preserved and Grace extends to us.
It is through His birth that l am what l am. l tremble in awe, of such a sacrifice. Born to die.
Reflecting on my life,
l have sinned,
l have failed,
l missed the mark- yet He has His arms wide open.
l do not want to celebrate His birth this Christmas. l want to sit in silence and whisper a prayer of thanksgiving.
'l thank You Lord that You love me
You loved me when l couldn't even love myself
You loved me when l yielded to my sinful desires
You loved me when l pulled myself in shame
You have loved, Oh You love me.'
Let me sit in silence this year as l take a moment to appreciate.
I have spent many years just celebrating. This year, l need a moment.
It bothers me why we celebrate a birth that ended devastatingly.
l know now He had to die, He who knew no sin.
Had to die so l could be free.
The freedom l constantly battle. Oh it is for my good!
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