l have not so much enjoyed growing up as a pastors kid.
Too many expectations
No room to find myself
l was drafted in this beautiful call
"But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" Joshua 24:15
l mean, hold up!!!!
This contract needed all parties involved.
l wanted to be asked if l was ready and willing to serve,
But clearly, given the chance- the answer is better unknown😂.
Looking back, l am grateful that the decision was made for me.
l have not once liked to be called a 'pastor's kid'
Drafted because l am an offspring,
Simply, l wanted to find my own path,
Pursue my own desires,
Fall in love in a way that l understood,
Enjoy the journey of seeking.
l did all the above and beyond and;
Joy overflows out of me as much but vanity
Many of us have been drafted,
And it is not the end.
For once, l have had something delivered to me on a silver platter,
To serve,
It has taken me years to be undone,
Embrace being covered- a Pastor's kid.
Today and the rest of my days l will be happy l was
I was drafted and set free,
l was educated in ways beyond grateful can fathom,
l was given freedom that none ever deserved,
To think of a life without Christ
Drafted 💓
Thank you to my parents for drafting us and please help us understand and view things past our selfishness.
Thank you Mr and Mrs E. Kagoma for drafting me in. "Train up a child in the way he should go: even when he is old he will not depart from it" Proverbs 22:6
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